
Applicants are kindly asked to follow the registration procedure below. All persons attending the congress must be Members of CID, as well as registered congress participants.


If you are not yet members of CID, please apply :



For visa requirements and funding initiatives all applicants are strongly encouraged to complete their registration as early as possible in order to receive their official certificate of registration and to be included in the program. 


Please fill the questionary.

Send by email your professional profile, describing your activities and how you would like to participate in the congress.



For further assistance and other inquiries please contact the Conference Secretariat : avignonsectioncid@gmail.com


Please write your full name in the Subject line of your email and eventually your CID Membership number to distinguish from spam and ensure faster processing.


Note : veuillez remplir les champs marqués d'un *.

Avignon Section CID 


International Dance Council     CID     Conseil International de la Danse

UNESCO 1 rue Miollis FR-75732 Paris, France tel. +33 1 4568 4953

     www.cid-portal.org     ExecSec@cid-portal.org


©Natacha Liège CID Avignon - © Photo Samson Marzbani